Language Learning & Technology
May 2005, Volume 9, Number 2
pp. 111-125
Copyright © 2005, ISSN 1094-3501 111
Angela Chambers
University of Limerick
Alongside developments in language research, the potential of corpora as a resource in language
learning and teaching has been evident to researchers and teachers since the late 1960s. Despite
publications which emphasise the benefits of corpus consultation for language learners
(Bernardini, 2002; Kennedy & Miceli, 2001), there is little evidence to suggest that direct corpus
consultation is coming to be seen as a complement or alternative to consultation of a dictionary,
course book, or grammar by the majority of learners. There is thus a need for research to underpin
the integration of corpora and concordancing in the language-learning environment.
This study begins with an account of published research relating to course design and structure in
the area of corpus consultation by language learners. The focus then narrows to the initial training
of learners in corpus consultation, using as an example a course involving undergraduate students
on several language degree programmes. The results of the students' consultation of the corpora
are examined, including choice of search word(s), analytical skills, the problems encountered, and
their evaluation of the activity. The results reveal how corpus consultation can complement
traditional language-learning resources, while also raising questions concerning its integration in
the language-learning environment.
Since large computerised corpora of English were created in the 1960s, there has been a steady increase in
the number of publications devoted to their use in the context of language teaching and learning. The
pioneering work of Johns (1986) and Tribble and Jones (1990) was followed by an explosion of studies
devoted to various aspects of the use of corpora in language learning in various contexts, for example the
publications resulting from the TALC (Teaching and Language Corpora) conferences on teaching and
language corpora (see, e.g., Burnard & McEnery, 2000; Kettemann & Marko, 2002). From the early
1990s onward, corpora were clearly being consulted by language teachers, and also by learners, at least in
courses run by researchers and enthusiasts, and this activity was gaining in popularity by a process which
McEnery and Wilson (1997, p. 5) describe as percolation. This has created a need for research to underpin
this new development, focusing on aspects such as the type of corpora to be consulted, large or small,
general or domain-specific, tagged or untagged.
Other pedagogic issues also require investigation, such as the advantages of direct access to corpora as
opposed to mediation by the teacher through the preparation of corpus-based worksheets, the strategies
which learners need to acquire to benefit from direct consultation, and, last but not least, the means by
which this new activity can best be integrated into the language-learning environment. Some of these
issues are already receiving considerable attention from researchers, with a number of studies
recommending the use of small corpora tailored to the learners' needs (Aston, 1997; Roe, 2000), while
others champion large corpus concordancing (Bernardini, 2000; Cheng, Warren, & Xun-feng, 2003).
Direct access to corpora by learners is the subject of a number of studies (see, e.g., Bernardini, 2002;
Chambers & O'Sullivan, 2004; Kennedy & Miceli, 2001, 2002), with a cautionary note from Johns (1997,
p. 113) recommending the use of corpus results mediated by the teacher as a first stage. While there is
already a substantial and increasing body of research in several aspects of direct corpus consultation by
learners, there is still considerable scope for developments, particularly in the area of course design and
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structure, concerning how one can successfully integrate corpus consultation into a programme of
language study in higher education.
The publications on corpus consultation quoted in this study give varying amounts of information on the
types of course structure within which they are operating, including the aims of their courses and the time
allotted to them. But all this is presented as a given, understandably so, as the studies do not aim to
investigate issues arising from course design and structure. The aim of this study is to examine a number
of aspects of course design in corpora and language learning involving direct access by learners, focusing
not on the training of corpus linguists but rather on the popularisation of corpus consultation by a wide
spectrum of learners. After a brief overview of the types of courses which are described in the studies
referred to above and other similar publications, one example will be examined in more detail, namely a
section of a second-year undergraduate course on language and technology which aims to encourage the
learners to use corpora as a resource in their language learning alongside other resources such as the
dictionary, course book, and grammar. The course aims, structure, content, and assessment will be briefly
described, paying particular attention to the training provided in concordancing and corpus analysis, the
corpus resources used, the students' choice of an aspect of the language to be studied, the strategies which
they require to benefit from the corpus consultation, their success or otherwise in analysing the results,
and their evaluation of the activity. This will enable us to draw some conclusions concerning the factors
which favour the integration of corpora and concordancing into the language-learning environment and
the obstacles which remain to be surmounted.
Within the disciplinary area of language studies, corpora and corpus-based methods are increasingly used
outside language learning per se, in areas such as the teaching of literature (see, e.g., Kettemann, 1995;
Louw, 1997) and of translation (see, e.g., Bowker, 1998; Zanettin, 2001). This section, however, will
include only research concerning those wishing to learn about language either as linguistic researchers or
language learners. Fligelstone (1993, p. 98) proposes what he terms a simple framework for assessing
"the factors relevant to good teaching practice," grouping corpus-related activities into three categories:
TEACHING ABOUT (i.e., teaching about corpora/corpus linguistics)
TEACHING TO EXPLOIT (i.e., teaching students to exploit corpus data)
EXPLOITING TO TEACH (i.e., exploiting corpus resources in order to teach)
Even from reading only the small selection of studies of direct corpus consultation by learners referred to
above, it is clear that there is considerable variation in the nature of the courses on which they are based,
ranging from courses clearly designed as part of a programme of study in linguistics, to a limited amount
of training included in a language course so that the learners can benefit from consulting a corpus. Davies
(2000), for example, uses corpora of historical and dialectal texts when teaching an advanced course in
Spanish linguistics. Similarly, the description of Paul Thompson's (2004) postgraduate module in corpora
in applied linguistics in the University of Reading clearly situates it within the discipline of corpus
linguistics. At the other end of the scale, in the sense not of being inferior but of having very different
aims and therefore content, certain courses, mostly at undergraduate level, include a very limited amount
of training in corpus consultation with the practical aim of enabling the learners to consult corpora to
improve their language skills. A comparison of one such course, part of a second-year undergraduate
module at the University of Limerick, and the Reading postgraduate course, reveals both the similarities
and differences between them (see Table 1).
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Table 1. General and Specialised Courses
Undergraduate Year 2 Postgraduate
Course Part of course/
Complete course/
Specialist option
Hours 9 20
Corpus resources Small Small + large
Corpus creation No Yes
Corpus analysis Yes Yes
Tagging No Yes
Assessment 3,000-word essay 3/4,000-word essay
While both courses include lectures on corpus linguistics and on the analysis of corpora, alongside
practical laboratory sessions, the postgraduate course is a specialist option embedded within the already
specialised context of masters programmes in Applied Linguistics and ELT. It is allotted time to allow for
greater depth of study and familiarisation with the tagging of corpora, while the core undergraduate
teaching is, as we shall see, part of a second-year module and is obliged to make room for other aspects of
technology and language study, also considered as core elements of the degree programme. It is this
situation which creates the challenge of popularising corpus consultation, informing students of its
potential benefits and giving them the skills to benefit from it in a very limited amount of time, as well as
providing access to resources for future use and guidelines on how best to benefit from them.
Before examining the undergraduate course in more detail, it is important to note that the publications
relating to corpus consultation by learners do not all fit neatly into the two types of course described in
Table 1, or into one of Fligelstone's three categories. Several other studies contain elements of both the
postgraduate and undergraduate courses, supporting Fligelstone's (1993, p. 98) comment that there is a
certain amount of interaction between his three categories. Aston (1997, p. 61), for example, notes that
the analysis of small corpora for language-learning purposes can serve as a useful starting point for
students who may later wish to move on to the analysis of larger corpora in a research context. Dodd
(1997), referring to the use of unedited corpus data with advanced students at undergraduate and
postgraduate level, comments,
At this level, several teaching aims are likely to coincide. These include improving the practical
proficiency of the learner, improving the learner's formal knowledge about the language (and
about language in general), and giving the student an insight into the work of the descriptive
grammarian. (p. 132)
In another context, Cheng et al. (2003) are able to devote a much more substantial amount of classroom
and laboratory contact hours over two semesters to corpus design and analysis than their Limerick
counterparts. Corpora and concordancing are taught by them as a substantial part of second-year
undergraduate courses on Information Technology and Discourse Analysis, within an English language
major undergraduate programme. Their aims include both research in corpus linguistics and the practical
benefits of language learning, firstly, placing the students "in the role of language researchers finding out
for themselves about the English language" (p. 178), and secondly, at the same time encouraging them "to
reflect on their experiences as language learners and English language majors from this form of datadriven
learning" (p. 178). The much greater amount of time available to them enables them to introduce
the students to work with larger corpora and to move further into the study of corpus linguistics as a
discipline than the shorter undergraduate course. In the context of popularising corpus consultation,
however, the Limerick course is interesting by its very limitation, in that it can be seen as a component of
a course which one could reasonably envisage being included in all undergraduate language degree
programmes. Kennedy and Miceli (2001, 2002) are very possibly examples of other researchers working
within similar parameters, in that there is no evidence in their publications that the degree programmes
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involved have a noticeable bias towards Information Technology or Discourse Analysis, as in the case of
Cheng et al. Looking at the variety of course design and structure within the publications which study
corpus consultation by learners, it seems clear, without in any way undermining the validity of
Fligelstone's framework, that the range of courses or parts of courses devoted to direct access to corpora
can be situated on a continuum rather than within a clearly defined category.
While a limited amount of training in corpus consultation at undergraduate level may be the first step in a
career as a corpus linguist, it seems reasonable to assume that the majority of those undertaking such a
course have at this stage no ambition to become experts in corpus linguistics, any more than they desire to
become lexicographers when using the dictionary or materials designers when learning from a course
book. Their interest is thus most likely to be aroused if they perceive the activity as being of benefit to
their language learning. Thus, while a small number of graduates of the Limerick course are active in
research involving corpus-based methods, the main aim of the course is to encourage all students to
consult corpora as part of their language learning.
Corpora and concordancing are included in a second-year module on language and technology, which
aims to introduce students to the major pedagogical, professional and research applications of technology
in modern languages and to enable them to integrate these into their studies. Corpora and concordancing
is one of four components, each of which is taught for 3 weeks, with one lecture and a 2-hour session in a
computer laboratory. For the module assessment students submit two 3000-word essays, selecting any
two of the areas covered. While there is some variation in the students' choice of topics from year to year,
the essays are more or less equally divided between the four areas, namely introduction to technology and
language learning, WELL (Web-enhanced language learning) evaluation and personalisation of language
technologies, corpora and concordancing, and machine translation. The students taking the corpora and
concordancing module come from a variety of different courses. Most are following either the BA in
Applied Languages or the BA in Applied Languages with Computing in which it is a core module; some
take it as an optional module on the BA in Languages and Cultural Studies; others are exchange students,
mostly from France, Germany, Romania, and Spain. All of these students are studying at least one
language to degree level, some are studying two, and a number are studying three, including English,
French, German, Irish, and Spanish. This brings together a relatively diverse community of university
language learners in the module, making it a suitable terrain for an evaluation of the potential for
popularising corpus consultation.
The lectures on corpora and concordancing include an introduction to corpus linguistics and an account of
the types of research based on corpora, focusing in particular on the use of corpora in language learning.
In the laboratory sessions, using Wordsmith Tools (Scott, 1999), students receive training in the use of the
software and guidance on corpus consultation and analysis. Within the general aim of the module to
encourage students to integrate technology into their studies, the classes on corpora and concordancing
are intended to show how corpora can be used a resource for language learning alongside their more
traditional counterparts, the course book, grammar, and dictionary. It is emphasised that corpora can
complement these resources, and, as we shall see, the students particularly appreciate the access to a large
number of examples, and to language use which one describes as "authentic, up to date, and relevant."
The laboratory sessions also provide guidance on the use of the corpora for problem-solving activities,
and students are encouraged to bring examples of their written work to the classes and to try to improve
them through corpus consultation. They are given advice on the selection of appropriate search words, for
example the choice of a noun as a search word in order to find what verbs accompany it. (For a more
detailed analysis of the strategies used by students in corpus consultation and the type of guidance
provided by the teacher, see Chambers & O'Sullivan, 2004, and Kennedy & Miceli, 2001.)
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The fact that five languages are involved makes the choice of the corpora used for training purposes a
difficult one. After experimenting with a number of options, it was decided to create what we call
"training corpora" in the five languages involved. Version 1 of these corpora includes for each language a
journalistic corpus of 100,000 words and a corpus of academic writing of 50,000 words (published
research articles and parts of masters and doctoral theses). In 2003 only the journalistic corpora were
available. Each contained articles on a wide variety of topics, including current affairs, editorials, reviews,
and sport, collected in 2002-2003 from two newspapers, in the case of French, for example, Le Monde
and L'Humanité, and in the case of English, The Irish Times and The Independent (the Irish newspaper of
that name). While the limited size was determined largely by time and resources, and while it is intended
to expand the size for future cohorts, it is interesting to note that certain other researchers with experience
of using corpora with undergraduate learners also choose to use very small training corpora. Kennedy and
Miceli (2001, p. 79), for example, created sub-corpora of 50,000 words from their corpus of
approximately 570,000 words for initial training in corpus analysis, and Gavioli (2001, p. 108) comments
that 50,000 words is a lot for a learner. Dodd's (1997, p. 131) comment that "a modest corpus of a million
or so words is certainly enough to make a valuable teaching aid" may well provide some common ground
between those aware of the difficulties experienced by undergraduate students analysing a corpus for the
first time, and the champions of large corpus concordancing such as Bernardini (2000, 2002).
Large corpora clearly provide superior resources for the study of language, providing many examples of a
much larger proportion of the words in a language than their smaller counterparts. They do, however,
present a number of disadvantages for beginners with limited time available for training, in particular long
waiting times for searches for common words. In addition, the need to cope with examples from several
sub-corpora in different genres would further complicate what is already a challenging task for the
learners. In the particular context of this course, providing training in five languages using large corpora,
all different in size, content, and means of access, would clearly be impossible. As we have seen,
however, researchers working in one language only also show a strong preference for using small corpora
for initial training, suggesting that their experience of the reality of using corpora in the classroom or
computer laboratory has led them to the conclusion that using small corpora is most likely to succeed. It is
also interesting to note that the exceptions to this, namely Bernardini (2000) and Cheng et al. (2003), are
working in more specialised contexts at undergraduate level (translation, and information technology and
discourse analysis, respectively) and have more time available for training over a much longer period.
This is not to suggest that the learners in this and similar studies should be limited to using small corpora
throughout their degree programmes and beyond. As we shall see, this study raises questions concerning
the resources, support, and guidance provided as a follow-up to this type of introductory training.
The theoretical and pedagogical basis of this course is firmly situated within what Benson (2001) terms
technology-based and teacher-based approaches to learner autonomy, favouring "independent interaction
with educational technologies" and emphasising "the role of the teacher […] in the practice of fostering
autonomy among learners" (p. 111). Thus, although considerable guidance is given in the choice of the
aspect of the language which they may wish to analyse for the assessed coursework, that choice is theirs.
As the aim is to encourage them to see corpora as a resource in language learning alongside the course
book, dictionary, and grammar, they were asked to choose a problem which they had encountered in their
language work and to compare the usefulness of the corpus with what they could learn from a course
book or grammar. In the lectures they were introduced to the concept of lexical grammar, and it was made
clear that they could investigate not just traditional grammatical concepts, but common words where the
corpus, despite its limited size, might reveal relevant lexico-grammatical patterns which students at this
level might not master and where a grammar or course book are of little or no use.
A number of examples were given, including "la question" in French and "time" in English. None of the
students chose this option, perhaps because it seemed easier to choose an aspect of the language which
was clearly identified in the course book or grammar, or perhaps because, influenced by traditional
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language-teaching methods, it seemed more beneficial to them to identify traditional aspects of grammar
which were problematical for them in their language work and to see what they could learn from the
corpus. As we shall see, however, from their traditional grammatical starting points, they often made
discoveries which were lexico-grammatical rather than solely grammatical in nature, thus benefiting from
the corpus-based approach. The choices of the 14 students who submitted essays for this part of the
course in 2003 were as follows:
Table 2. Essay Topics
Language Essays Topics
Verb + to + infinitive/Verb + gerund
English 3
Come/phrasal verb
En (3)
French 8
Pronominal verbs
Irish 1 Is
Spanish 2 Ser/estar
Given the variety of languages and topics, it is not possible to give a detailed individual analysis of all 14
students' work within the limited scope of this study. The analysis will therefore be limited to comments
on the success or otherwise of the students' analyses, with particular reference to the strategies they used
and their evaluation of the activity. As it is interesting to observe the relationship between the students'
analyses, strategies, and evaluation, a number of individual students' work will be used as starting points,
with examples from others added subsequently to illustrate points common to many of the essays. It is
important to note that there was very considerable variation in the amount of learning resulting from the
corpus consultation. In one case, for example, a student did not reduce the 837 occurrences of the search
word through random selection, and the analysis consisted solely of isolated comments on individual
expressions which she noticed among the 837 results. In this case, poor corpus consultation and analysis
skills were clearly an obstacle to the learning experience. This, however, was the exception rather than the
rule, and the great majority of the students benefited from the activity. The cases examined in more detail
below represent varying degrees of success. (Essays involving Irish and Spanish are not included here, as
the author has no knowledge of these languages and had to rely on assistance from colleagues in assessing
To examine how successful the students were in this activity, it is important to ask the question, What did
they learn from the corpus? Clearly, given the limited size of the corpora, the concept of the language
learner as researcher cannot be applied in any literal sense although, as we shall see, discovery learning is
possible. In the lectures, following Dodd (1997, pp. 135-136), two possible methods of analysis were
suggested: deductive and inductive. In the deductive method, which I presented as the easier of the two
and the more appropriate for initial work on a small corpus, the grammar or the course book would be
studied first, and the student would then apply the rules to the concordance results and compare the two
resources. A student adopting the more demanding inductive approach would try to infer the rules from
the concordance results, only attempting this if a large number of results was obtained. Of the 14 students,
9 chose the latter method, perhaps suggesting that they found the inductive approach more natural or
more interesting when using corpus data. It is difficult to draw firm conclusions on this subject, however,
as it is possible that they simply decided to present their results in this way. A clear example of how the
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inductive method was presented is found in the study of verb + to + infinitive and verb + gerund. Only 49
examples of the first were found, along with 41 of the second. The student inferred rules from these,
which she1 subsequently confirmed in the grammar of her choice, commenting that the grammar included
far fewer examples. She noted that only one area covered in the grammar did not appear at all in her
concordance, namely the use of go + gerund to describe a recreational activity, for example to go fishing,
boating, birdwatching, and so forth. She did, however, discover "to go missing" in the corpus, which was
not covered in the grammar, illustrating the role of the corpus as a source of serendipitous discoveries, as
noted by Johns (1988, p. 21) and Bernardini (2000, p. 225). This led her to reflect on why the corpus did
not include examples of go + gerund to refer to recreational activities, which she attributed not to its
limited size but to its nature, concluding that it was a better resource for "formal language use" than for
what she termed "everyday language," recommending the addition of magazine articles to remedy this.
Her conclusion was similar to that of the majority of the students, namely that the grammar is useful for
explaining rules and -- especially -- exceptions, but that the corpus complements it, giving a much larger
number of up-to-date examples that are easier to remember, and sometimes giving information which is
not found in the grammar.
A clear example of the deductive approach was found in the study of connaître and savoir. More
interestingly, this student's essay also reveals how a learner can derive benefit from corpus consultation
without realising the full potential of the activity. With careful use of the wildcard, the student found most
of the 75 examples of all forms of the lemma savoir and of the 50 of connaître. Following a brief
presentation of how this area, which was problematic for her, was covered in two grammars, she
proceeded to analyse the concordance results. The analysis of the occurrences of savoir focuses on several
of the colligational contexts in which it is used, including savoir as noun, savoir que, savoir ce que,
savoir + infinitive, savoir + noun, faire savoir, savoir si, savoir à quel point, in all a much richer
presentation than is found in the grammar. Expressions such as à savoir, reste à savoir,and en savoir gré,
which are found in the corpus, remain unexplored by the student, as does the use of the conditional tense,
where the meaning changes from savoir in the sense of "to possess knowledge" and is used as a modal, as
in the examples below.
de dollars sur dix ans. Ce plan ne saurait cependant s'apparenter à un quelconque
la brutalité qui éviscère et méprise ne sauraient en être absentes. Les petits marins
au creux du crâne ! Bobby Lapointe ne saurait être absent d'un tel répertoire,
avec une drôle de langueur. On ne saurait, pour vous mettre en bouche, citer tous
les joies de la libre entreprise ne sauraient dissimuler l'absence de compassion
The analysis of connaître provides another example of how a student can benefit from corpus
consultation while not realising the full potential of the activity for discovery learning. While most of the
50 results confirm the explanation in the grammars that connaître is used in the sense of being acquainted
with something or some one, in 9 the subject is not a person, and the sense is rather to experience, as in
the examples below.
Véritable foire aux idées, il a connu, depuis sa création, en 2001, un succès
mondiaux, à Davos, le Forum social connaîtra un temps fort particulier: le
salaire moyen est de 30 cents. Le pays connaît à nouveau la sécheresse, après deux ans
ce n'est pas l'unique cause. Le pays connaît une sécheresse très importante, une des
Champagne-Ardennes et l'Île-de-France ont connu un véritable enfer, qui a provoqué
guérilla, et le Kosovo pourrait connaître une dangereuse radicalisation. Il est
montre la voie. La capitale toscane a connu durant cinq jours un événement qui
des " sages " n'a visiblement pas connu un grand succès auprès des technocrates
SPORTS Affaires : le foot français ne connaît pas de trêve Football. Fernandez
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This use of connaître, which would be very appropriate in student essays in French, received no
comment. The expression "on connaît la chanson," which has nothing to do with singing but rather has
the sense of "the same old story" also remained unexplored. Despite this, the student fulfilled her
objective of using this exercise to solve her difficulty in distinguishing between the uses of these two
verbs, particularly appreciating the example of both in one concordance line: "les gens qui me connaissent
savent que ma joie est tout intérieure." She concluded that the best problem-solving strategy for her
consisted of an initial consultation of a grammar followed by a study of the much greater variety of
examples of actual language use in the corpus, well illustrated in this case by her analysis of the
occurrences of savoir. Although this essay reveals limited corpus consultation skills, it is interesting in the
context of popularising corpus consultation in that the student still benefits from the activity, just as
learners with limited dictionary skills still find solutions in the dictionary to some of the problems they
To complete the individual case-studies, it is interesting to compare the three essays on the preposition en
in French, good examples of Kennedy and Miceli's comment on "the fatal lure of prepositions" (2001, p.
83) and also good illustrations of the students' independence of mind and autonomy in choosing to ignore
the lecturer's advice to avoid selecting very common words such as this as search words. These students
will be referred to as Students 1, 2, and 3. Student 1, deciding to analyse about 130 of the 1,530
occurrences, randomly selected 240, as she wished to remove the "obvious patterns" which she had
observed during an initial trawl of all the results, namely en + year/season/month, en +
country/continent/province, en + gerund, and en + number. Having eliminated these, she then
concentrated her analysis on the remaining 136 occurrences. She observed that, in addition to the
grammatical functions listed in the grammar book and dictionary which she consulted, the concordance
revealed examples of expressions such as la mise en + noun, en tout + noun, and en plein + noun,
information which, she noted, was not referred to in any structured way in either the dictionary or the
grammar. The concordance results then aroused her interest in phrasal verbs, so she returned to the 1,530
occurrences, sorted them alphabetically, and studied the 91 phrasal verbs which this revealed. S'en sortir,
s'en prendre, s'en tenir, and s'en aller proved to be the most common, none of which was given in the
dictionary or grammar, although both gave examples of seven phrasal verbs with en, all of which were
present in the corpus with the exception of s'en ficher. Like her colleague who had studied English verbs,
she reflected that s'en ficher was understandably absent from this corpus, as the verb is "reserved for the
spoken language." Despite such a successful journey of discovery in the corpus, she noted in what was
generally a very positive conclusion that she found a number of aspects of the whole activity tedious,
tiring, and laborious, in particular counting frequencies, deleting what she considered irrelevant
concordances such as Aix-en-Provence, and reading from a screen.
Student 2 analysed a random sample of 300 occurrences of en. She began by analysing the use of en +
gerund, noting that it would have been interesting if it had been possible to compare the use of the gerund
with and without en. (This is possible albeit a little laborious.) Concluding the analysis of en + gerund,
she observed, "While this aspect of grammar can be covered quite successfully without concordancing,
the use of the software can certainly help cement in the learner's mind that which has already been
covered." This student also noted the presence of phrasal verbs with en, but chose not to explore that
discovery. She emphasised rather that the concordance results not only provided more examples than the
grammar book, they acted as a sort of extension of it, in that, for example, while the grammar covered
simple expressions of time such as en quatre semaines, the concordance also included related expressions
such as en l'espace de quatre semaines. The discovery of phrases such as mettre en + noun and la mise en
+ noun was highlighted by the student as "one of the most interesting discoveries made from this
concordance." Indeed, this may suggest that the students were right to ignore the lecturer's advice
concerning prepositions, as it would be hard to discover these phrases unless one knew in advance that
they existed or was given the search words by the teacher. This student was particularly proud to discover
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several examples of a category not covered in the grammar book, namely en meaning "as" in the sense of
"in the role of": "Cécile Brune, en amante anglaise;" "Anne Kessler, en beauté chlorotique." Finally, the
student noted that en is used as a preposition in a large number of adverbial and prepositional expressions,
while the grammar gives only seven examples. As the student noted, "By quite a great deal this is the area
in which the concordancer has proven itself to be the most useful, easily surpassing how the topic is dealt
with in the selected grammar." This student's conclusion is extremely positive, with the corpus and
concordancer clearly appreciated as a much richer learning environment than the grammar.
The third student who analysed en, also selecting 300 occurrences for analysis, found the experience
much less worthwhile and stimulating, and it is important to note that differences in level of linguistic or
analytical skills cannot provide the explanation for this. While Student 2 found the examples of en +
gerund a useful complement to the examples in the grammar, Student 3 preferred the “very basic and easy
to understand” examples in the grammar (all three students used the same grammar). Interestingly, this
was the only student in the group who found the truncated concordance lines frustrating: "I did not find
the concordance helpful in establishing these rules as the full context is not given." The generally very
competent level of her corpus consultation skills suggests that she was aware of the possibility of
accessing the full text in each case, but understandably did not consider this a realistic activity to
undertake for each and every example. Only in the case of the adverbial and prepositional expressions and
phrases did Student 3 accept the superiority of the concordance, as it provided many more than the seven
examples in the grammar. Her conclusion, like that of most students, is that the combination of grammar
and concordance is the ideal method, but, exceptionally in this case, that view is expressed in an almost
grudging manner:
I have concluded that the latter [the grammar] proved far more suitable in helping me to
understand this point of grammar. I did although obtain a great deal of useful expressions that I
know are up to date and widely used by native speakers from the concordance list.
The considerable variations in three learners' reactions to the very same activity cannot be analysed in any
greater detail here, as no detailed information is available on their motivation or learning styles. The
negative reaction of Student 3, however, is interesting in that it may suggest that not all learners will
experience the interest and exhilaration which is evident in the reactions of many learners to the
discoveries they make from corpus consultation.
The five brief case studies exemplify the main features of the 11 essays analysed here. In relation to the
success or otherwise of the attempts at corpus analysis and the strategies used, there was a considerable
amount of variation in the students' ability to explore the corpus to see what, if anything, it could add to
the presentation in the course book or grammar, ranging from complete mastery and enjoyment of the
exploratory nature of the activity, to a mechanical analysis of the results which added little to the student's
knowledge of the language, at times missing points which seem worth commenting on. Basic command
of the software did not seem to be at issue in the great majority of cases, although some obvious strategies
were missed. S'*, for example, was not used in the study of pronominal verbs, although using se still
provided a considerable amount of data for analysis. In general, however, all these students showed the
ability to use Wordsmith Tools (Scott, 1999) sufficiently well to derive some benefit from their analysis
of the results. It would seem rather that differences in motivation or learning styles may explain the
considerable variation in the success of the activity. In addition to the variation in analytical ability, there
was also considerable variation in the students' ability to reflect on the nature and limitations of the
corpus, an ability which came easily to some students, but was totally lacking in others.
The students' evaluation of the activity in the final section of their essays reveals several clearly recurring
patterns. Unlike Widdowson (2000, p. 7), these students do not call into question the authenticity of the
Angela Chambers Integrating Corpus Consultation in Language Studies
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concordance results, despite a brief reference by the lecturer to this view. As one student wrote, "the
French used in these articles is authentic, up to date, and relevant." The word "real" is also used to
describe the corpus, in contrast to the invented examples in course books and grammars, which are
described by one student as "unreal and sometimes stupid." The up-to-date nature of the contents, relating
to news from just a few months previously, was appreciated by many students. For a number of them, this
authenticity and familiarity made for what one termed "easy memorizing." However, while most were
happy to accept the limited size of the corpus for their first attempt at corpus consultation, a few queried
the choice of texts, revealing a preference for "simple colloquial language out of magazines or novels."
The rich learning environment created by a large number of examples was also appreciated, in contrast to
the limited number of examples given in course books, dictionaries, and grammars. As one student wrote,
"The sheer amount of entries given by the software was impressive, and it made learning about the choice
made [demonstrative pronouns in French] much quicker and easier when there were numerous examples
to look at."
The positive features of discovery learning are mentioned by a number of the students. As one Erasmus
student wrote: "Working out lexical or grammatical patterns on his or her own may help the learner to
memorise problematic aspects better than it would be the case when 'spoonfed' with rules." Furthermore,
although the term is not used, a sense of empowerment is evident in some of the positive evaluations. As
Student 2 concluded, "I discovered that achieving results from my concordance was a highly motivating
and enriching experience. I've never encountered such an experience from a textbook." These positive
reactions suggest that corpora and concordancing certainly have their place in a language-learning
environment focusing on learner autonomy and discovery learning.
Even where students' overall reactions were positive, however, they did not hesitate to express strongly
worded views on the disadvantages. Firstly, none saw the corpus and concordancer as replacing the
grammar book or course book. Indeed there was a general consensus in their conclusions that the
grammar still had its place, with two students concluding strongly in its favour. As one expressed it, "old
friends are still best." A third, who studied "since" in English, while greatly appreciating the corpus
consultation, remained faithful to the grammar book as the ultimate authority, innocently destroying the
whole edifice of descriptive corpus linguistics: "Besides, a grammar book can confirmed [sic] to us if the
grammar structures employed in a text are really right or if there is a mistake." Secondly, the limitations
of the small corpus were noted by a number of students, in the case of phrasal verbs with "come" for
example, although as a result of the choice of very common words, few students made this criticism. It
will possibly be solved in this course in the near future, if the size of the corpora and the variety of the
texts increases. It will be interesting to see, however, if this influences in any way the third criticism,
namely the students' perception of the analysis of the results as tedious, time-consuming, and laborious. It
is possible that a larger resource will encourage them to choose less commonly occurring terms, in
particular to avoid prepositions, but the task of classifying and counting will still have to be undertaken. It
is difficult to reach a firm conclusion here, however, as prepositions are a common source of problems for
learners in a number of languages, English and French for example. Fourthly, several students included in
their section on disadvantages, comments on the need for training and appropriate analytical skills,
showing uncertainty as to whether or not they had reached a sufficient level. As one student (one of the
negative conclusions) noted, "In order to really derive any benefit from the use of corpora and
concordancing, one would need quite intensive training and much practice." Fifthly, a number of students
mentioned in their section on the disadvantages that the benefits of direct corpus consultation were
limited to advanced students, and would be of no use to beginners because of their lack of comprehension
of the text surrounding the search word. (This limitation could, of course, be solved by creating an
appropriate corpus.) Finally, the lack of availability of corpora was cited by several students as a
disadvantage. As they had been provided with an extensive list of available corpora in several languages,
with easily accessible links through the module Web page, this perceived disadvantage raises important
Angela Chambers Integrating Corpus Consultation in Language Studies
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questions which go beyond the issue of course design and lead us to ask what learning environment is
necessary for learners if corpus consultation is to be integrated into their language learning. This issue
will be dealt with in the following section.
Although the earliest attested use of corpora in the language classroom was as early as 1969, according to
McEnery and Wilson (1997, p. 12) who refer to Peter Roe's use of it in Aston University, Birmingham,
research focusing on the extent to which learners actually benefit from corpus consultation and analysis is
relatively recent. Chambers (2004) has identified 12 studies since the early 1990s, including four
quantitative studies (Cobb, 1997; Gaskell & Cobb, 2004; Stevens, 1991; and Yoon & Hirvela, 2004) and
nine2 qualitative studies including the present article (Bernardini, 2000, 2002; Chambers & O'Sullivan,
2004; Cheng et al., 2003; Johns, 1997; Kennedy & Miceli, 2001, 2002;3 Sun, 2003; Yoon & Hirvela,
2004). While French (Chambers & O'Sullivan, 2004) and Italian (Kennedy & Miceli, 2001, 2002) are
included in these publications alongside the languages involved in the present study, the majority of the
studies involve learners of English. Although the results of these experiments are largely positive, they
raise a number of issues which point the way for future research. Firstly, they focus on the context of
university education, understandably as they can all be classed as action research, with the students of the
researchers forming the subjects of the experiment, as in this article. There is thus a need for studies
involving other sectors of education, possibly in the form of concordances prepared by the teacher rather
than direct access.
Secondly, they mainly use written corpora as a resource, leaving scope for investigations of the use of
spoken corpora. Braun (in press) describes an initiative in which an extract from a spoken corpus is used
as the basis for a language class, with concordances of specific items which are encountered providing
additional examples. The learners' activities and reactions are not, however, included in her study.
Thirdly, the existing publications raise several issues which merit further study: for example, the benefit
of direct consultation of corpora by learners as opposed to consultation of concordances provided by
teachers; the learner strategies used in corpus consultation and analysis, and the teacher's role in providing
guidance; the role of corpus consultation in specific areas of second language acquisition such as the
acquisition of vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills; and the role of the corpus alongside other
resources. Although the existing studies involve a variety of research methods, including accounts of the
activities undertaken by the learners and presentations of the results of their work with the corpora,
learner evaluations of the activity, sometimes but not always questionnaire-based, observations by the
researcher, trialling, and think-aloud protocol, there are few examples of each of these, and there is thus a
need for more quantitative and qualitative studies. Finally, there is clearly scope for studies involving
languages other than English, particularly now that corpora are available in several languages.
The increasing availability of vast corpora and their potential in language learning raises the fundamental
issue of the ease with which learners can access these resources and benefit from them. There is as yet
little evidence to suggest that the learners in the various studies cited here move on to regular corpus
consultation in the course of their degree programme.
This situation suggests that classroom-based activity, which has so far provided the setting for all of the
publications related to direct corpus consultation by language learners cited in this study, cannot on its
own lead to any large-scale integration of corpus consultation into language studies. In addition to this,
the student evaluations quoted above suggest that they do not easily make the transition from an initial
training course, however much they appreciate it and benefit from it, to regular corpus consultation using
the large Web-based corpora which are available. University language resource centres or the writing
centres common in universities in the United States of America may provide a solution here, as they can
serve as repositories of resources suitable for learners, and also as providers of learner training and
Angela Chambers Integrating Corpus Consultation in Language Studies
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guidance. This is not to say that each individual centre should have to create its own resources. Learners'
needs are sufficiently similar in many universities for shared resources to be appropriate. And it is
possible that the most appropriate resources for all but the most proficient students in corpus consultation
and analysis will not be the huge corpora of hundreds of millions of words which have been created for
research purposes, but of corpora created for learners, such as BNC Baby to give one example (Burnard,
2004). This four million word corpus, extracted from the British National Corpus and consisting of one
million words each of written academic and journalistic English, fiction and spoken English, is part of a
project involving the Oxford Text Archive and the Open University in the UK. Similarly, one-million
word corpora of written academic and journalistic French are currently being created at the University of
Limerick, and will be deposited with the Oxford Text Archive, the journalistic corpus in May 2005 and
the academic corpus in 2006. If resources such as these and other relevant corpora were replicated in
other languages, learners could benefit from accessing them independently and using them alongside the
traditional resources of dictionary, course book, and grammar. Centres providing resources and guidance,
which are at least as important as the classroom in a language-learning environment which aims to
promote learner autonomy, could then become the focus for future research projects involving corpus
consultation by learners.
The example of this course, together with the evidence from several other publications on related topics
cited in this study, suggests that corpus consultation as a language-learning activity has many positive
features, particularly in a language-learning environment which favours learner autonomy and discovery
learning. It is, however, the disadvantages noted by these learners which are of particular interest here, as
they provide a list of problems to be solved. Issues relating to the size and nature of the corpus are no
doubt the easiest to remedy, although a delicate balancing act is required to ensure that the size of the
corpus used for initial training does not unduly increase what they already perceive as the laborious and
tedious analytical work, even when only a randomly selected concordance of about 150 occurrences is
involved. An increased allocation of time for training could provide the answer, although probably not
within the context of most language degree programmes, where the curriculum is already under pressure
from the competing disciplines of literature, cultural studies, area studies, linguistics, and language
learning per se. Finally, as we have seen in the previous section, corpora and concordancing is an area
where the whole language-learning environment has a role to play, not just the classroom but also
facilities for independent and collaborative learning, and where there is thus ample scope for further
research and development.
1. As only one of the students was male, all students are referred to as "she" to preserve their anonymity.
2. Yoon and Hirvela's analysis, being both quantitative and qualitative, is included in both categories.
3. Two reports based on different aspects of the same study.
I am indebted to my colleague Íde O'Sullivan for creating the French corpus used here, for providing the
laboratory-based training in corpus consultation and analysis to the students, and for co-ordinating the
creation of the other corpora. I am also grateful to my colleagues Núria Borrull, Jean Conacher, Fiona
Farr, Mairead Moriarty, and Seosamh MacMuirí for their work on the corpora in English, Irish, German,
and Spanish. Finally I would like to thank the editors and reviewers for their constructive comments on an
earlier version of this article.
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Angela Chambers is professor of applied languages and director of the Centre for Applied Language
Studies in the University of Limerick, Ireland. She has co-edited two books on computer assisted
language learning. Her current research focuses on the role of corpora in language learning.
Aston, G. (1997). Small and large corpora in language learning. In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & J. P.
Melia (Eds.), Practical applications in language corpora (pp. 51-62). Lodz, Poland: Lodz University
Benson, P. (2001). Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning. London: Longman.
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(Eds.), Teaching and learning by doing corpus analysis (pp. 165-182). New York: The Edwin Mellen
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French. ReCALL, 16(1), 158-172.
Cheng, W., Warren, M., & Xun-feng, X. (2003). The language learner as language researcher: Putting
corpus linguistics on the timetable. System, 31(2), 173-186.
Cobb, T. (1997). Is there any measurable learning from hands on concordancing? System 25(3), 301-315.
Davies, M. (2000). Using multi-million word corpora of historical and dialectal Spanish texts to teach
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Dodd, B. (1997). Exploiting a corpus of written German for advanced language learning. In A.
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Fligelstone, S. (1993). Some reflections on the question of teaching, from a corpus linguistics perspective.
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Gaskell, D., & Cobb, T. (2004). Can learners use concordance feedback for writing errors. System 32(3),
Gavioli, L. (2001). The learner as researcher: Introducing corpus concordancing in the classroom. In G.
Aston (Ed.), Learning with corpora (pp. 108-137). Houston, TX: Athelstan.
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Johns, T. (1997). Contexts: The background, development, and trialling of a concordance-based CALL
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Kennedy, C., & Miceli, T. (2001). An evaluation of intermediate students' approaches to corpus
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Angela Chambers Integrating Corpus Consultation in Language Studies
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